

21-22 十大最好的网赌平台新教师/员工|查尔斯顿,南卡罗来纳州

今年秋天, 22 new faculty and staff members join 十大最好的网赌平台 with 39 advanced degrees, 数十年的综合经验和专业知识, 以及对优秀教育的共同热情. 十大网赌平台推荐热烈欢迎这群优秀的教育工作者加入十大网赌平台推荐的社区.



艾莉森·米勒将从圣. 希尔达的 & St. Hugh’s School in New York City, where she was a junior kindergarten head teacher. 她得了B.S. 幼儿教育学位 from the University of Scranton and a M.S. 毕业于福特汉姆大学,出生于6岁. 她将担任十大网赌平台推荐EEC项目的首席小学教师.


玛丽亚·安德森获得了B.S. degree in Psychology from Columbia Southern University and is an Army veteran. 作为IAP世界服务的教学项目专家, 她帮助学生参加课外活动, 技术实验室, 还有课外活动.  


帕克·安妮·克莱门特以B的成绩毕业于查尔斯顿学院.S. 心理学,辅修医学人文学科. 


玛丽·格蕾丝·多兰正在追求她的M.S. 幼儿教育学位, PreK-3跟踪, 在田纳西大学, 她也在那里拿到了B.S. 相同专业的学位. 以前, she was a student teacher at Brickey-McCloud Elementary in Knoxville, 田纳西州.

Kyniqua Euland,副教师

Kyniqua Euland brings thirteen years of experience as an early childhood 教育家 and most recently served as a lead teacher and coordinator at the Children’s Discovery Center in Mount Pleasant.


莎拉·劳顿得了B.S. degree in Elementary Education from the College of Charleston and has worked as an assistant teacher at the O’Quinn School of Porter Gaud.


Katlyn Onstott graduated from Charleston Southern University in May of 2021 with a 幼儿教育学位.  


Caroline Roncalli graduated from Sewanee: The University of the South with a B.A. 妇女与性别研究学位,辅修教育学. 以前, 她是考恩的助教, 蒙特塔格, 以及蒙特伊格尔的南匹兹堡小学, 田纳西州. 



凯丽·霍尔将担任二年级的老师. 她正在追求她的M.A.T. degree from the University of South Carolina with a specialization in Reading and Literacy and received her B.S. 查尔斯顿学院幼儿教育学位. 此前,她在查尔斯顿的派恩赫斯特小学任教.


艾米丽·马图斯从圣. Andrew School in Chicago, where she was a reading specialist and second grade teacher. 她得了B.A. degree in Elementary Education with a minor in Early Childhood Development from St. Mary’s College in Notre Dame, Indiana, and her Master’s in Reading degree from DePaul University. 她将担任幼儿园教师.



阿什利·唐斯是阿什利庄园的常客, 在十大网赌平台推荐的低年级长期担任代课老师. 之前曾在迈阿密的莱曼社区走读学校任教, 佛罗里达, 阿什利将成为十大网赌平台推荐六年级的科学老师. 她得了B.S. 她是佛罗里达州立大学儿童与家庭科学的硕士.Ed. 菲尼克斯大学课程与教学硕士.


凯尔西·泰茨沃斯获得了B.A. 在英语中,M.Ed. 课程与教学,阅读,和M.A.T. in Teaching, Secondary English Education, from the University of Virginia. 以前, she was a middle school humanities teacher at the Collegiate School in Richmond and will serve as 十大最好的网赌平台’s fifth grade humanities teacher.


卢克·博纳姆博士. D.,法国

Dr. Luc Bonhomme joins us as a French teacher after previously teaching upper school French at St. 马萨诸塞州南伯勒的马克斯学校. 在南佛罗里达大学,他得了B.A. 在国际关系和文学硕士.A. 法国文学. 他的米.A. 法语和博士.D. in Francophone Literature and Cinema were awarded by the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Tuyen Phan,物理和数学

Tuyen Phan graduated from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a B.S. 应用科学学位,生物医学工程硕士.S. 生物医学工程学士学位,硕士学位.S. 中等教育学位. She previously was a math and physics teacher at Thalun International School in Myanmar and will serve as both a physics and math teacher at 十大最好的网赌平台.


内森·史密斯作为一名数学老师加入十大网赌平台推荐. 在此之前,他是圣. 约翰的乡村走读学校在佛罗里达州的奥兰治公园,他得到了B.S. 威斯康辛大学数学学位.

恩典温菲尔德, 高中副校长, 学术支持主任, 和数学, 科学, 及科技部主任

格蕾丝·温菲尔德被任命为数学, 科学, 高中技术部主任兼副主任. 在加入十大最好的网赌平台之前, she was an upper school mathematics teacher and department chair at Episcopal Academy in Newtown Square, 宾西法尼亚. 她得了B.A. 和M.Ed. degrees in Math Education from the University of Delaware and deep experience in working with students to maximize their potential. Grace’s major work focus will be directed towards student academic support. 



理查德·博达斯和玛格丽特·凯利·库克, 世界著名的艺术家和音乐教育家, 将担任十大最好的网赌平台声音研究项目的主任. 

理查德将指挥高中合唱班和合唱团. 导体, 男声最高音, 教育家, 格莱美提名, he graduated from the Royal Academy of Music in London and has conducted choirs and chamber groups in the United States, 西班牙, 和英国. He is currently Assistant Professor of Music at Charleston Southern University, 查尔斯顿巴赫协会的艺术总监, Director of Choral Music at First (Scots) Presbyterian Church in Charleston, 查尔斯顿男子合唱团艺术总监, 也是西班牙古典杂志《加泰罗尼亚音乐回顾》的撰稿人. 

Margaret will oversee the vocal studio and will also instruct the private vocal lessons. 她得了Bachelor of Music in Vocal Performance degree from Oberlin College and completed the postgraduate opera course at the Royal College of Music in London. 音乐会舞台上的积极参与者, Cook has appeared as a guest soloist throughout England and Europe and locally with the Charleston Chamber Music Society, 查尔斯顿交响乐团, 以及南卡罗来纳爱乐乐团. Margaret is highly regarded as one of the lead vocal instructors in Charleston.


弗洛拉·内瓦雷斯将成为十大最好的网赌平台的弦乐项目协调员. 她来自印第安纳大学雅各布斯音乐学院, 她目前正在攻读博士学位.D. 音乐教育/弦乐方法论, 辅修小提琴演奏, 她在那里担任副教官. 她获得西华盛顿大学音乐学士学位, 阿克伦大学弦乐演奏硕士学位, and a Master of Music in Violin Performance and String Pedagogy from the University of Louisville.


Aimee Phelan-Deconinck has studied with the Martha Graham Center of Contemporary Dance and the School of American Ballet and has international experience in performance and communications. 最近,她是查尔斯顿舞蹈动作的一员. 她得了B.A. 玛丽蒙特学院语言传播与戏剧硕士.F.A. 哥伦比亚大学. 艾米将是十大网赌平台推荐的表演艺术协调员/舞蹈.



克里斯蒂安·阿尔坎塔拉被任命为体育主管助理. 他得了B.S. 在长岛大学获得金融学位.A.T. 来自Point Loma拿撒勒大学. 以前, 他是滴水泉镇的体育老师, Texas Independent School District and the College Director and Elite Clubs National Coach for the Rebel Soccer Club in Chula Vista, 加州.


Jon Perkins,全球教育协调员

Jon Perkins作为全球教育协调员加入十大网赌平台推荐. An experienced foreign service officer and analyst specializing in East Asia, he has served as a Course Director and Lead Instructor at the Sherman Kent School, 中央情报局的大学. 他获得了M学位.A. degree in International Studies from the University of Washington and his B.A. 鲍登学院比较政治与历史学士学位. Jon is part of a proud 十大最好的网赌平台 family: his wife is alumna Caroline Perkins, 1991届毕业生, 他的女儿伊丽莎白是2024届的一员, 他的女儿凯瑟琳将加入2027届.


阿什利霍尔是一所K-12女子私立学校, 和一个男女同校的幼儿园, 致力于有才华和多样化的学生群体. We consider for admission students of any race, color, religion, and national or ethnic origin.